Many people love to travel – not just the tourist kind of traveling, but the real exploration of the lands far away. Finding money for such an endeavor is often a daunting task, we usually fantasize about traveling only in the case we get inheritance from a wealthy relative, get a million-dollar idea for business, or win the lottery.
Use the Pa lottery bonus code, hope Aunty Muriel remembers you when her time comes, or discover an oil reserve in your backyard – those seem to be the only cases where an average person can afford to see the world. Or is that really the case? Here are a few ways you can travel on a budget.
Package Deals
They don’t seem like much and, granted, they are far from optimal, but package deals often allow you to visit some of the stunning locations in the world for a fair price. They often involve visiting several capitals, layovers, and little to no food with barely enough time to see everything there is to see, but it is far from the worst kind of traveling. Furthermore, they often give you a chance to visit some cities and sites you would not likely come across in your lifetime.

Book Early
Let’s face it: US airlines are notorious for their handling of baggage and unexpected delays – all for a steep price. One way to circumvent the issue is to book early. How early? Well, you would do well to plan your trip a few months in advance at least. It is common for people on a budget to book traveling for the following year in order to get decent prices.
Youth Hostels and Such
Forget the hotels, they cost money you don’t have, at least not in a way that gives you enough time to see the sites. Instead compare the prices of youth hostels, Airbnb, and other cheap accommodation. While they lack in services like having a wake-up call, they do offer a place to sleep and, really, that’s all you need at the end of the day.
Another way to go is to find a friend who lives in the area you want to visit and ask if it would be okay to stay with them for the duration of your trip. There are several online services that connect people who want to see the world, like If you make a connection with someone and don’t see any red flags, go for it.
Backpacking is a popular method of traveling for students taking a gap year. It combines some of the previously mentioned methods for affordable traveling with a wing-it attitude. The idea is that you take all your luggage with you, making sure you carry only the essentials, and finding cheap food and accommodation while you explore the world on your own terms. No guides, no programs, no deals – it’s just you and the whole new world.